A 1:1 coaching program for female business owners and female leaders in industry who want to create a career and business that has impact, supports them financially and ensures they leave a legacy they can be proud of.

In this Australian first therapist-led online mentorship, This is the place for the woman who has dreams of running her business AROUND her ideal lifestyle rather than at the sacrifice of it - by learning how to make profit with unique high-value offers.

She knows what is important in life, wants more balance and knows that when she looks back at her life at 90 - she focused on what was important - spending time with her kids, taking care of her body and mind, making time for date nights and girl day.

Welcome to our Community

Let me ask if this sounds Familiar?

Are you a female business owner, entrepreneur, or corporate professional who's been searching for something more? Or realising your burning out because you just don’t have flexibility or time up your sleeve?

Have you ever felt the weight of uncertainty, wanting to make impactful decisions in your career and life, but not knowing where to start?

Perhaps this is you?

  • You're no stranger to the daily grind, but it's become more of a treadmill than a path to fulfilment. You desire a career that truly lights you up, one that aligns with your core values, your ideal life, and one that gives you time to focus on what is important - kids, partners, travel and health.

  • Sometimes Life feels like a never-ending series of to-do lists, leaving you drained and disconnected from your deeper purpose. You crave clarity about what truly matters, and a clear roadmap and coach to guide you.

  • The challenges of juggling work, life, and leadership can be overwhelming it feels like any kind of balance is an impossible task. You yearn for a supportive community of like-minded women who understand your journey.

If so, the Burnout to Brilliance Mentorship is for you.

Our mission is to help you create a business/career and life that gives you back your time freedom by using proven business strategy, psychological strategy and for those interested- spiritual practices using the law of attraction.

The thoughts, beliefs and actions that got you where you are today,

are not the same as the thoughts that will get you to your idea of success,

whether success is more time for you health, for your kids, for your relationship and family,

more freedom in terms of doing leadership, life and career your way, being your own boss, or travelling the world,

or more money by shifting what you do, and how you do your work…

you need to shift to get there.

and shifting without guidance and support is extraordinarily difficult…

Community, Clarity and Support can make all the difference.


Jemma Barge - TV producer and Media Personality.

“Sheena is so warm and you are so lucky to get a chance to work with her”.

Toltu Tufa - Psychologist & Speaker.

“I really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Sheena. They helped me to break ground in areas I felt I “already knew” as a psychologist running my business. I am proud to say that the work I have completed with Sheena allowed me the courage to pivot my business in a direction that was more aligned with me as a practitioner and as a woman. It’s also shown me that I was never far away from the vision I had set for myself, everything was always in reach. Highly recommended!”

Kate Taylor - Business Owner in Training and Education

“Not only do I love my business again but I started a new relationship and got married because of the values work we did”.

Kat Piachaud CPA & CFO

“I run a bookkeeping and CFO consulting company and had the support of Sheena’s 20 hour business week academy. 
I was able to grow from $5k to $250k in 5 months 
I had a lot of business coaches help me with strategy, sales & marketing but the part that was holding me back was my mindset. 
I loved having Sheena in my back pocket to help me grow, she’s so empathetic, caring & just “gets it” 
I absolutely would not have been able to grow or see these results without her support & her programs.”

Leanne Williams - Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

“My confidence has increased, I am not going around in circles wasting time on things that are not moving me forward and that is thanks to working with Sheena. Sheena has so many trade secrets that come out when talking to her. There is a genuineness with her, I feel comfortable to be open and honest with her. She tailors her sessions for the private practice that I want to have not building it like someone else would”.

Meg Doyle - Holistic Physio for Women

“I have absolutely seen a shift in my business, and the willingness to lean into my niche and leaning into my content pillars and not just using social media as my only marketing. Sheena herself is very warm and real and shares her own journey and experiences so you are on the journey together”.

Burnout to Brilliance BASIC
For 3 months
One time

Is a business without burnout, hustle and 40 hour weeks possible? Absolutely. We teach this in our coaching program. But it takes two things. 1. The mindset of doing less and letting go - which can be hard if your worth is tied into doing and you find rest hard.... 2. The actual business strategy and structure to make it a reality - a business that can run when you take a day off, the kids are sick, if you just want to go have brunch with your business bestie.

✓ Access to the Tranquil Trailblazers MINDSET Membership
✓ 1:1 Onboarding Clarity Call to KICKSTART your business plan
✓ Assigned day a week of 1:1 Messaging and Coaching
✓ Full Video Library including 100 videos
✓ Learn to market your business and structure your offers
Burnout to Brilliance Mentorship PREMIUM
For 6 months
One time

This is for women who don't just want to learn the mindset, or how to do this - but are ready to IMPLEMENT their strategy and set themselves up for success. This 6-month program isn't just learning the how- but ACTUALLY implementing. Need help with the offer suite? We got you. Need to nut out the details? We are here. Dealing with some emotional ups and downs? We got you. Need to pivot fast? Done. Managing Staff? Let's create an incredible culture. Innovation? Take it the moon.

✓ Access to the Tranquil Trailblazer MINDSET membership.
✓ Access to the Business without Burnout video training hub.
✓ Mon- Friday 1:1 direct support via Voxer Messaging
✓ Monthly 1:1 50 minute sessions (minimum 6 during mentorship)
✓ Access to $4k of BONUSES (see information pack!)

Case Studies

Natalie Brushnan - Home Buying Expert

Natalie is an extraodinary women, raising two girls and running a business. During her time in the 20 Hour Business Academy Natalie expressed some of the milestones she achieved and expressed the following…

  • We found a gap in the market that no one else was solving and crafted an offer in curriculum and price that would sit perfectly with the target market and be very sustainable for both me and my clients

  • I got clear on who I am and what I stand for, and from this crafted the most unique offer that no one else in the industry is offering

  • This allows me to work less and earn more and balance work and family life better

  • Built an incredible program that comes from such an aligned place instead of pushing out into the world.

  • We created a catchy framework that's simple to explain and that is memorable, and it comes from a place of who I am and what I stand for - being simplicity and ease

  • The AAAA framework touches on all parts of the client journey and sets them up to continue on, and also sets my business up for a follow-on program for longer client retention.

  • We priced it at $2,000 or $250 a week for affordability of these perfectly aligned clients and broke it down into short, actionable videos along with guest experts so they feel supported in every facet of their journey

As a business owner myself - I kept going between my own therapist, my business coach and my community for support - I wanted to create one space to tap in and have it all - and so the Mentorship was born. I am truly in love with this space and I can not wait to support you to your next level - whether that's earning more, working less, enjoying the business again or all three! This is the place to be.

We offer Business Coaching + Personal Development tailored to Australian women in business and leaders in industry We specialise in helping women grow their businesses, their mindset, improve their relationships and put themselves first.

What happens after I join?

Hey I’m Sheena Schuy, founder of Savasana Collective and Burnout to Brilliance Mentorship

  • A full training hub of personal development, powerful visualisation and templates used for you and your business.

    Mastermind Members also get full access to two hubs

    • Full access to personal development for business hub.

    • Full access to business strategy hub (50 videos, masterclasses and templates).


  • Find out everything you need right here…

    Part of your package includes Voxer coaching - you can check out what that looks like here.

    The Price? Jump on a call with us so we can quote you.

  • This program is so good you get over $4k in bonuses… this looks like.

    -3 x 50 minute private coaching calls

    - Messaging & Marketing sessions

    - Website & automation support

    -1:1 sessions with 6 different professionals to support you professionally and personally…

    - PLUS: Access the entire academy vault of courses to help you grow your business and a life you love

  • This is for you if you feel like you’re drowning in your clunky, overwhelming business and want to feel joy again as an entrepreneur.

    Maybe you’ve been sitting in front of your laptop 12 hours per day and want to actually log off before the kids get out of school.

    Maybe your days are flying by and you barely check off your task list. Before you know it, it’s time to start dinner and take care of the fam. You wish there were more hours in the day but what you’re really wishing for is a streamlined business and supportive team to help you.

  • To make you an industry and business leader WITHOUT the burnout.

    Without sacrificing every part of your life to make it work.

    To create a legacy you an be truly proud of, and to be different to anyone else doing what you do.

    I want you to step into the most expansive version of you and I AM GOING TO PULL IT OUT YOU.

Is this for you?

This is for you if you feel like you’re drowning in your clunky, overwhelming business and want to feel joy again as an entrepreneur.

Maybe you’ve been sitting in front of your laptop 12 hours per day and want to actually log off before the kids get out of school or actually go to the yoga class you’ve been talking about…

Maybe your days are flying by and you barely check off your task list. Before you know it, it’s time to start dinner and take care of the fam. You wish there were more hours in the day but what you’re really wishing for is a streamlined business and supportive team to help you.

This program is for you if-

  • You're a driven woman who is committed to personal growth and ready to take control of your life.

  • You want access to coaching and mentorship from seasoned professionals.

  • You believe in the power of a supportive community of ambitious women.

  • You're seeking to align your career with your core values and live a purpose-driven life.

  • You desire a holistic approach that includes mental, spiritual and emotional well-being support.

This program is not for you

  • You're not ready to invest time and effort in your personal and professional development.

  • You're not open to mentorship or the idea of collaborating with like-minded women.

  • You're not interested in gaining clarity about your goals and values.

  • You're not willing to explore the transformative potential of a mastermind program.

  • You’re not open to pushing yourself and thinking outside the box so you can reach your lifestyle goals and dreams.

Join The Burnout to Brilliance Mentorship

Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer. It's time to invest in yourself, gain clarity, and unlock your full potential. Join The Clarity Co. Membership and Mastermind program today to embark on a transformative journey toward a purpose-driven, successful life.

Your dreams are within reach. Secure your spot now!

Why you should join (even if you’re on the fence)

Worst case scenario? You lose 10k, would you be homeless? no. Would you have to sell your house? No. Would your life savings be ruined? Also no. Still got your health? Yes. Family? Yes. career Skills? Yes

Best case scenario? You learn how to be an industry leader or thriving business owner without the burnout- but with some balance - so you can spend time with your kids, go the gym, see your friends and family and not be living your life less anxious & burnt out.

If you’re scared of the time commitment? If not now then when? seriously? When is life actually going to slow down enough so that you can work on this? “I just want to get x project done” - once one project is done we always fill it with another. Don’t be in the same place one year from now. We can get A LOT done in our short conversations and messaging.

You do it now? You and your business will look drastically different in 6 months, imagine what another 6 months of after that will look like? You make the time. Your business grows.

Time and Money commitments are often the biggest things that make us questions ourselves. So if you have questions around that we are here to support you. Because you supporting yourself means you’re going to help so many more people in the world… and that’s a beautiful thing to watch.