Corporate Wellness Packages

Unlock Potential, Improve Leadership, Reduce Burnout, and Drive Sustainable Success in your business and organisation with Our one of a kind Tailored Solutions

Hi I’m Sheena Schuy (BPsych, MCoun, MSW) and I am a therapist who specialises in holistic psychology and business mentorship.

I help leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners achieve calmness, clarity and contentment by getting clear about their purpose, understanding their unconscious default behaviour patterns and connecting to their past, present and future selves through a range of evidence-based activities based on my experience with hundreds of people- particularly leaders, entrepreneurs and content creators.

One thing I have so often seen in high-functioning leaders and teams is that they can not see the forest from the trees - sometimes things just aren’t coming together no matter how much action is taken.

Let me ask if this sounds Familiar?

  • Imagine a bustling office where employees are constantly on edge, overwhelmed by tight deadlines and high expectations. Despite their best efforts, productivity is stagnating, turnover rates are climbing, and morale is plummeting. Management is at a loss, unsure of how to reverse the downward spiral.

    In the midst of this chaos, a forward-thinking CEO decides that enough is enough. Recognizing that the well-being of their employees is the cornerstone of success, they seek out solutions to address the root causes of stress and burnout within their organization.

    This is where our company Savasana Collective can help. With our proven track record in corporate wellness and leadership development, we partner with the CEO, HR or the leadership team to implement a tailored program designed to foster a culture of wellness and innovation.

    • Employees are feeling overwhelmed by stress and burnout.

    • Productivity is declining, turnover rates are rising, and morale is low.

    • Management is searching for solutions to improve the work environment.

    • The CEO recognizes the importance of prioritizing employee well-being.

    • Savasana Collective is brought in to develop a customized program.

    • The program focuses on addressing the root causes of stress and burnout.

    • Through targeted coaching and workshops, employees learn practical strategies for managing stress, building resilience, and fostering strong leadership.

    • The organization experiences a transformation, with employees feeling more engaged, motivated, and empowered to succeed.

    • Productivity improves, turnover rates decrease, and morale soars.

    • Innovation in the company from happy employees now leads to greater revenue, profit and sales with an overall more happy culture.

With our unique formula

AtSavasana Collective we understand that addressing the challenges outlined in this common corporate story requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond surface-level solutions. That's where our unique formula comes in, combining the principles of holistic psychology and business mentorship to create lasting change within your organization.

  • Holistic Psychology - We recognize that stress and burnout often stem from a variety of sources, including work-related pressures, personal struggles, and ineffective coping mechanisms. Our team of experienced psychologists delves deep into the root causes of these issues, working closely with employees to identify triggers, develop healthy coping strategies, and cultivate resilience. By addressing the underlying psychological factors contributing to stress and burnout, we lay the foundation for lasting change and well-being.

  • Business Mentorship - In addition to addressing psychological factors, we also recognize the importance of strong leadership and organizational culture in mitigating stress and fostering innovation. Through our business mentorship program, we empower leaders within your organization to create a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued, heard, and empowered to succeed. Our mentors provide guidance on effective communication, conflict resolution, and team building, equipping your leadership team with the tools and skills needed to drive positive change from the top down.

By combining these two pillars—holistic psychology and business mentorship—we create a comprehensive approach to corporate wellness that addresses the unique needs of your organization.

Our tailored solutions are designed to not only alleviate the symptoms of stress and burnout but also to cultivate a culture of well-being, resilience, and innovation that permeates every aspect of your organization.

How our unique formula would help the above story and reach desired outcomes:

  • Identifying Root Causes -Through our holistic approach to psychology, we would work with employees to identify the underlying causes of stress and burnout, whether they stem from excessive workload, poor work-life balance, interpersonal conflicts, or other factors. By addressing these root causes, we can begin to alleviate the symptoms and create a more supportive work environment.

  • Building Resilience - Our psychologists would provide employees with practical tools and strategies for managing stress, building resilience, and promoting self-care. Through workshops, individual coaching sessions, and ongoing support, we empower employees to take control of their mental and emotional well-being, reducing the likelihood of burnout and improving overall morale.

  • Fostering Leadership- Concurrently, our business mentorship program would focus on developing strong leadership skills within the organization. We would work closely with managers and executives to enhance their communication skills, strengthen their ability to lead by example, and cultivate a culture of trust and collaboration. By empowering leaders to prioritize employee well-being and create a supportive work environment, we lay the foundation for long-term success and sustainability.

  • Driving Innovation- As stress levels decrease and morale improves, we would expect to see a corresponding increase in creativity, productivity, and innovation within the organization. By fostering a culture of well-being and empowerment, we create an environment where employees feel inspired to share ideas, take risks, and think outside the box. This culture of innovation not only benefits the organization as a whole but also positions it for long-term growth and success in a competitive market.

Overall, our unique formula provides a holistic approach to corporate wellness that addresses the interconnected nature of stress, burnout, leadership, and innovation. By combining the principles of psychology and business mentorship, we empower your organization to thrive in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape.

These solutions address your workplace health and safety requirements or can help with meeting ISO registration too.

If you are interested
Ready to transform your organization's culture and unlock a brighter future for your team? Schedule a free strategy call with us today to learn more about how we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs. Together, let's create a workplace where wellness, leadership, and innovation thrive.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”- James Clear

Let me put this to you, if something amazing happened and your workload or business doubled tomorrow and brought to you everything you’ve been working hard and dreaming for, do you have the systems in place to handle that? Would you be able to manage your anixety? Your household duties? Your kids? Your relationship? Your social life? How quickly would you burn out?

Maybe you feel like even now you barely manage to manage those things?

And the reality is that if you want to take your life to new levels, to a different space, to go from exhausted and strung out to calm and clear, then you need to do things differently. “If nothing changes, nothing changes”- Courtney C. Stevens

We want to help you create the systems in your life so you can better handle the up’s and downs that inevitably come our way, so that those feelings of anxiety, exhaustion and burnout are no longer just a normal part of life.


What is covered in our program?

The content in the custome program is delivered by qualified psychologists, social workers and counsellors.

  • We always start with a personality test to understand the dynamics of the people in the room. It is a short 7 question test so it does not feel too invasive and gives the team or yourself an idea of the dynamics that can vary.

  • Then we customise the training to your business/organisational needs in alignment with operational or strategic goals, workplace health and safety, managing psychosocial risk or we even off Employee Assitance Programs as needed (EAP).

  • We also offer leadership mentoring as needed so please ask.