The only Masterclass you will ever need to learn how to have a 10-20k month business in just 20 hours a week

Want to create a thriving business in just 20 hours a week?

As a therapist and business coach for some of Australia’s top female leaders, CEOs, athletes, media personalities and entrepreneurs, I have seen what helps them create more balance while maintaining a high level of performance and success…

As women, we need to be getting together and having the important conversations about creating wealth. Wealth in monetary, wealth in relationships, wealth in health… let’s talk about it.

Because ultimately wealth is freedom, and wealth can buy you time back. I want that for you. So let’s begin.


Jemma Barge - TV producer and Media Personality.

“Sheena is so warm and you are so lucky to get a chance to work with her”.

Toltu Tufa - Psychologist & Speaker.

“I really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Sheena. They helped me to break ground in areas I felt I “already knew” as a psychologist running my business. I am proud to say that the work I have completed with Sheena allowed me the courage to pivot my business in a direction that was more aligned with me as a practitioner and as a woman. It’s also shown me that I was never far away from the vision I had set for myself, everything was always in reach. Highly recommended!”

Kate Taylor - Business Owner in Training and Education

“Not only do I love my business again but I started a new relationship and got married because of the values work we did”.

Kat Piachaud CPA & CFO

“I run a bookkeeping and CFO consulting company and had the support of Sheena’s 20 hour business week academy. 
I was able to grow from $5k to $250k in 5 months 
I had a lot of business coaches help me with strategy, sales & marketing but the part that was holding me back was my mindset. 
I loved having Sheena in my back pocket to help me grow, she’s so empathetic, caring & just “gets it” 
I absolutely would not have been able to grow or see these results without her support & her programs.”

Leanne Williams - Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

“My confidence has increased, I am not going around in circles wasting time on things that are not moving me forward and that is thanks to working with Sheena. Sheena has so many trade secrets that come out when talking to her. There is a genuineness with her, I feel comfortable to be open and honest with her. She tailors her sessions for the private practice that I want to have not building it like someone else would”.

Meg Doyle - Holistic Physio for Women

“I have absolutely seen a shift in my business, and the willingness to lean into my niche and leaning into my content pillars and not just using social media as my only marketing. Sheena herself is very warm and real and shares her own journey and experiences so you are on the journey together”.